Monday, June 8, 2020

Art From Waste 3: Organizer from old jeans

Okay now it's another useful product made up from waste, with old jeans without sewing machine..

There are lot more ideas coming up and jamming up my brain from thinking anything else, that's known as PASSION which won't let you to sleep. But I could find only a time of scarcity to do them. You know with kids and their needs, and household works,etc.. It's exhausting, you can only postpone but can't deny.  That's responsibility ,done with care.

One thing I realized is good physical health and sharp mind are really important for active life which I pray to God for the same to me and all ladies who are juggling a lot of glass cups and keep going. You know what I mean, why the cups made of glass. If you miss , the cup breaks so as the "trust towards accountability". So act towards better life and success will become a byproduct in all aspects.

Let's see my art now:

I have made it from one leg of old jeans, with some thread work to make it look good... [Am working with other leg cloth for some other use, will post it that soon]. The stick that holds the organizer is from old jute bigshopper. This, I have sewen with hands, not with machine. We can have letters, notes, lists, bills,.etc. Its really useful.

So, how it is?
Beautiful, right?! ;))
I love it..