Pros and cons %
Its been very long time I have been writing here!
Haaaaahhhh , you know kids, yet enjoying ( or trying to enjoy inbetween lot of responsibilities ;) ) parenting. OH GOD! Please give me strength.
Since few years am seeing couples are not happy after marriage...
We may think, we are happy with what we are, then why to marry and spoil our peace of mind, when people always suffer after marriage. For whom those who think the same, I convey them the voice I heard from a very noble and good heart and it says " Marriage has not only suffering, it has lot of happiness where people wont express about them as they have enough time to swim in suffering"
Its true or not, you tell me. Everything has its own pros and cons. Hope marriage is no exceptional. Mostly couple speak abt their cons. They only know their pros, i mean, happy moments. But to accompany you to your life time, you need a life partner. With that taking in mind we can forgive or forget cons to live our pros, atleast we can try.....
Okay, I may be correct here, but what if pros percentage is very less than cons percentage. My opinion is , Marriage is nothing but commitment to yourself and your family, if you are true to yourself and involved in your commitment then its far better to have lots of hope and wait that life will change as we wished once and carry on our responsibilities with all due respect. I believe the HOPE, sure will bring the good change in our life.
Be positive and keep up, All the best for your Heavenly Marriage time ahead! :)
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